Contact Us
Thank you for choosing to contact Precision Putting Greens, please fill out the information listed below.
The info Precision Putting Greens collects will never be sold. If Precision Putting Greens contact you beyond the scope of this inquiry you will have the option to continue to hear from us or not. We will graciously respect your wishes. Precision Putting Greens hates SPAM too! This form does not request sensitive credit card or financial information and is an unsecured form.
PLEASE! Take the time to fill this information COMPLETELY and ACCURATELY! There have been numerous instances of missing or incomplete contact information. Make sure you include a email address and/or phone number or Precision Putting Greens will not be able to contact you.
Satellite Acreage Estimation Policy
| Back to TopWith escalating gas prices and in order to save everyone's time and money I have instituted a satellite imagery estimation policy.
Your address will allow us to see your property via satellite and assess the fake grass installation conditions accurately. Using this process we can usually send you a synthetic grass installation bid before the close of business on the same day. If your are sure about the square footage of your synthetic lawn there there may be no need for us to come out to your location to give you a bid. We make use of satellite imagery that is available from a number of sources on the internet. If the satellite imagery is obscured in any away or it is a new site we will arrange a meeting if necessary.
If you have given me your address Precision Putting Greens can provide an estimate within minutes if you are sure about the area's square footage. If you are not sure about the square footage and the area to be covered is not obscured by trees or the like I can usually estimate the size of the job fairly accurately using Google Maps and/or Maps Live Some bids can also be completed by phone or with pictures, drawings or landscaping plans you send via email.